"And when it's over I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to
amazement. I was the bridegroom taking the world into my arms." Mary Oliver

Monday, July 23, 2007

2 Days

I leave for Ghana on Wednesday. Tomorrow mom, dad, Allison, Elizabeth and I will drive all day to San Francisco where I'm sure I won't sleep at all in a hotel in South San Francisco waiting for a 20 hour flight that will take me to a completely different world. HOLY SHIT.

Anyway, I made this blog so I can keep people updated on my life for the next year. I am hopeful that I will keep this up. It would be good to have a record of my life in Africa to look at later. However I also hope that I am so busy doing so many amazing things that I won't remember to record them. I am terrified and so excited and the fact that it is all so real is the scariest part of all.

I have so much to do today. I am not surprised, just mildly irritated with myself for leaving a million things to do until the last minute. But just like packing up my bedroom in San Francisco, everything will get done. Because it must. I probably won't update again for a little while. Who knows when I'll have internet again! (Oh my GOD) but I will be positive and say it will be soon.


The Bear Family said...

Aundraya, you better call me before you leave! I am sad that you have no been returning my phone calls.

The Bear Family said...

Aundraya, sorry that I forgot to call you back when you were at the airport :( I hope you don't think I am the worst friend in the whole world. I love you and I was so sad when I realized it was too late to talk to you (around 12:15). I am so sorry! I hope you are online soon and writing here because I want to know how you are doing and I am going to read this thing religiously and maybe I will get one too so we can know what is going on in each other's lives. I miss you so much already.